Tuesday, June 17, 2008

5 Months!

I found this Kelty carrier at a yard sale for $15 and I have been taking walks in the mornings with the girls sleeping in the double jogger and Radley on my back. He likes the view better from up there rather than in the stroller (even though in the pic, he looks less than a amused). I used to put one of the girls in a carrier, but this works good for now and what a work out!

Radley and I planted a small container garden this week. We planted tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green peppers, basil, and lavender. We still need to plant green beans and cilantro. Radley loves to water the plants every morning. We are both very excited to watch them grow.

Izzy and Mara are 5 months today and look how good they are sitting! Mara can sit a bit longer without support, mostly because she is less wigglely. My girls are rockin the leg warmers!



You silly kid, markers are for paper!

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