Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Day for Mom

I slept in until 8 and woke up to breakfast in bed, french toast and melon. Then I received a ton of little hugs and kisses. I opened my gift: a ruffler foot for my sewing machine. Oh, the goodies I am going to make with it! We went to church and Radley made me a very sweet mother's day card in his class. I got to pick the restaurant for lunch and Fat Burger it was! Mmmm..... burger and chilli cheese fires. So bad for you, but so tasty. Then I got my free mother's day "love it" size of ice cream from coldstone, coffee with brownie. We stopped by the library on the way home to pick up some books for the kids and a book on cd for Radley. I checked out a few photography books while I was there. I am beat, and so are the kids. So we are all going to bed early tonight. Happy Mother's Day to you mamas out there!