Saturday, August 16, 2008

Raising Children... it's hard!

Mothering is exhausting, frustrating, guilt-inducing, but it is also, wonderful, funny, energizing, and joyful. I have only been a mother for just under three years and I have been challenged in ways I would never have imagined. But I have found that one of the hardest parts about being a mother is the doubt that creeps in from unwanted comments on my parenting or my own unrealistic expectations of what a mother is. I make mistakes everyday, but I am learning and growing and my children love me. Below is my digest of something I read somewhere... I cannot recall where.

God has a unique life plan for each of His children and He needs a variety of parents to raise them. He perfectly matches children to their parents. Therefore, it is important for me to not compare myself to other mothers or my children to other children. I believe it is important to not become a slave to a parenting style, method, or ideology. It is important for me to gather as much information I can, sift if through biblical truth, do what works for our children and our family, and look to God for the final answer.

Although we may not be able to reap all of the rewards from our diligence in parenting, it is nice to have moments were one can see it is all worth it.


The Grout Family said...

Hey Christy! My mom told me about your blog! I can't believe we have completely lost touch w/each other! I can't believe your girls are already 6 months old! That's crazy! You look GREAT! Oh...and I didn't even know ya'll moved to CO! Well, just wanted to say HI! Hope things are going well! :D

jenn said...

here, here! :)